Tag Archives: chemistry

It’s been too long!


It feels so good to be back on my blog! It has been way too long. My schedule has been crazy busy and a little depressing, so I haven’t had the time to post anything.

There is only…7 class days left of the semester! What? How is it that time goes so slow but its over so fast? It just amazes me, honestly. It seems like I just moved all of my stuff into this teeny dorm room.

This semester has been the most challenging yet. But it has also been the most character-building. Challenges always strengthen my faith, and when I come out on the other side, all I can do is praise God and then wonder what I was so worried about. God is my rock, and I am so thankful for His presence in my life.

Last night was our last O Chem exam!! Whoop! And as far as I know, I don’t have to take the FINAL since I am not taking the class next semester!!! I don’t really know how that works BUT I am not going to question it! God knew that I would have a melt down if I had to take that monster…

I also cannot wait until Thanksgiving! I love seeing my family and catching up with them. I will miss getting together with my mom’s side of the family this year, but I will see all of them at Christmas in a month or so. (Ah, yay Christmas!!) I just had to bust out the Christmas music a couple weeks back, I couldn’t wait any longer! My roommate is one of those people who is anti-Christmas until after Thanksgiving because she feels like it gets forgotten, and I agree with that. However, outside of hymns, Thanksgiving doesn’t really have its own music genre so they gave me no choice but to pre-game and listen to Christmas music a month early.

And since it is Thanksgiving, I feel like I need to recognize some of the things that I am so blessed to have in my life. 1) I have a fabulous family. Never have I ever felt like I couldn’t go home or tell them anything. They support me in everything that I do and love me unconditionally. 2) My bible study group! I joined a group of college girls my age and we all meet off campus at a recent graduate’s house. We have dinner and then study the bible or study a topic that we all have in common. Because of this group, I have made new friends and I am a part of a new community. We always have so much fun and I hope that its something that we can keep doing.

I have a lot of other things that I am thankful for, but I don’t know if this blog page will let me write that much…

As far as recipes go, I got nothin’. I have been pinning a lot though, so be ready for some once Christmas break begins. Cooking is how I occupy myself, I’m not very good at being bored.

So I am in the last stretch! See ya on the other side 🙂


Halfway There!!


And just like that the first 7 weeks of my sophomore year are a part of the past. I can’t say that I’m sad about it because I’m so ready for this semester to be over so I can say goodbye to Organic Chemistry! I rented the textbook for that class and I might just pay to keep it so that I can burn it slowly…no, tear out all of the pages and then burn each page one by one…

That’s creepy, I’ll stop now.

This past weekend was fall break and it was fantastic and much needed. But to kick off the fall break, I had to take an O. Chem test at 7-9pm on a Friday night. This test was terrible and I wont go into the details of it but I walked out of that classroom knowing that everything I did was either correct…or everything was utterly wrong. I packed my bags in a blur with things that I needed for the four day break, drove home, and then crawled onto my mom’s lap and cried.

I was so angry and upset. I had studied so hard for this test all week and it wasn’t enough. I had prayed and prayed that God would guide me in my studying and that he would help me to focus as I prepared. During the days leading up to the exam, I felt pretty optimistic. I would know everything that I needed to know if I would just keep studying diligently, which is what I did. Then when I took the test, I felt like I had studied all of the wrong material. But I did my best, and let God do the rest.

I was anxious to see my grade all weekend, and my professor hadn’t posted any grades yet. Instead he sent out an email.

“The test scores were lower than expected and the test will be re-written by everyone next Friday. You will receive your scores Wednesday in class.”

Sure enough, I had failed the test and I had no time to study for it all over again. Nevertheless, I was thankful for another chance to pass. Sometimes God doesn’t do things the way that we think he should. Then I got my test back.

I was speechless sitting there holding this 8 page packet of nonsense. I had gotten a 71.5%, which is a B for that class. I had passed, and not only had I passed but I might have had one of the higher scores in the class. Also, the retake was only going to be over 3 specific questions and it was optional.

Wow. After fretting all weekend and feeling so angry and worried, I had passed. I will retake the 3 questions just to see if I can gain a few more points, but it will never cease to amaze me how much I rely on God and how much he really does take care of me. I don’t know how anyone could ever go without God, and it makes me sad when I know that people try to.

So I am half way there and I am definitely living on a prayer! (Wow. its getting late, can you tell?) I will just do my best to keep chugging along, without going to fast. I still like to stop and smell the flowers when I can find them. I would like to post more recipes, but opening a can of tuna really isn’t all that impressive and it doesn’t make very pretty pictures, so I will see of I can whip something up that is fun and easy. I miss fun and easy!

Thanks for reading 🙂






Calm in the Storm


This past week has been the toughest I’ve had so far this year. Many deadlines, meetings and studying to do for my first organic chemistry test kept me really busy and I am honestly glad that the week is over! But looking back, it wasn’t a bad week at all. A lot of good things happened that […]